3D Animations

Immune-Mediated Hemolysis

Medium: Maxon Cinema 4D, Maxon Redshift, Adobe AfterEffects 


Depict the basic steps of IgM mediated hemolytic reactions on the cellular scale to the medical student, biomedical science PhD student, and phlebotomy audience.  After viewing they will be able to identify the proteins that lead to a red cell bursting after a foreign antigen enters the blood stream.  



Introduction to Integrins

Maxon Cinema 4D, Maxon Redshift, Adobe Aftereffects


Explain the basic structure and mechanical function of integrin receptors to students in the biomedical science PhD field. 



The Formation of Focal Adhesions

Maxon Cinema 4D, Maxon Redshift, Adobe Aftereffects


To describe how focal adhesions form structurally in the cell plasma membrane through stepwise affinity modulation, clustering, and cytoskeleton engagement to the biomedical science PhD students.  



Cellular Migration: Cancer

Maxon Cinema 4D, Maxon Redshift, Adobe Aftereffects


 To depict and describe cell migration in relation to focal adhesions and cancer metastasis for the audience of biomedical science PhD students.  After viewing this animation, the students will be able to describe the process of metastasis, explain how focal adhesions form in a 3D matrix environment, and visualize how cells move if focal adhesions are abandoned.